Ray and Sher's Shipway Light-Sport and Ultralight Aviation services provides Sport Pilot and Ultralight pilot training, Basic Flight Reviews and Proficiency Checks for your Light-Sport aircraft. We provide Quicksilver sales and services, including owner building assistance in Cloverdale, CA 060 (Cloverdale Airport designator) thirty miles north of Santa Rosa on Hwy 101. Light-Sport planes and Ultralights are very light weight, single and two seat aircraft are used for sport and recreation. We can set you up with Floats to attach to your plane so you can land and or take-off from water. They fly “low and slow” during the day and good weather conditions. The term ultralight can include everything from unpowered hang gliders to powered parachutes to fully instrumented, sleek-looking “cruisers” weighing less than 254 pounds. Flying an ultralight does not require a pilot certificate and there are no minimum age or training requirements. Because they are often easier to operate, training normally takes just 10-20 hours. Aircraft costs are also low, with average new ultralights costing between $8,000-$15,000. Used ultralights can cost as little as $5000!
